
A/508/0594 - Skills, Knowledge and Behaviour of HR Professionals Sainsbury

University: UK college of business and computing

  • Unit No: 35
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 15 / Words 3833
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Organization Selected : Sainsbury's
Question :
  • What are the skills, knowledge and behaviour of HR professionals Sainsbury?
  • Evaluate and implement sustainable business performance in
  • Provide the high performance employee engagement in
  • Explain the collaborative working, performance management and high performance commitment in Sainsbury.
Answer :


The development of individual, team and organisation is important in competitive markets. The success depends on organisation ability for continuous expanding and improving capability of individual and collective. The growth of employees increase performance capacity of firm. The given assignment is based on Sainsbury's incorporated in 1869 at United Kingdom. It is online supermarket company providing variety of products (Anagnostopoulos, Byers and Shilbury, 2014). Here will be discussing about knowledge, skill and behaviour required by HR professional along with personal skill audit of employee for developing professional development plan. There are different organisational and individual learning with training and development. It has also discussed about continuous learning and professional development for sustainable performance. There are different approach for performance management with HPW contributing to employee engagement and competitive advantage.

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P1 Professional knowledge, skills and behaviours that are required by HR professionals


It is understanding, familiarity and awareness for facts, descriptions, information and skills which is required by experience and education by learning, perceiving and discovering. The knowledge required by HR professional are:

Personnel and Human resources- The HR professional should have good knowledge of principles and procedures for recruitment, training, benefits, compensation, selection, negotiation, information system and labour relations. As sainsbury's requires those HR who have proper knowledge so that they can work accordingly (Belbin, 2012).

Administration and Management- The HR should know business and management principle, strategic planning, modelling, resource allocation, production method, leadership technique and coordination between resource and people. The manger of Sainsbury should possess administration and management knowledge for proper running of organisation.

Education and Training- All training, methods for curriculum, principle, teaching, instruction, measuring effect fall under education and training knowledge. As this is requires in Sainsbury's to improve their working staff about new ways and tools used in business. It also help HR to develop their own knowledge through this.


It is ability for carrying out task with set results within energy as well as time. It can be both domain general and domain (Eime and et. al., 2013). The people requires range of skill which contribute in organisation. The skills possess by HR professional are:

Active listening- HR professional should be very efficient and effective listener. It is important while hearing staff problems, conducting interviews. If they are not active listener then matter cannot be solved. Thus Sainsbury's HR is good listen for running of organisation.

Communication- HR professional need to communicate to managers, employees and current level staff. This is done in speaking, writing and reading. According to nature and size method is followed. The effective channel is needed in Sainsbury's for getting accurate and standard results.

Multi-tasking- HR professional have to dealt with multi task at a time. It can be personal issue of employees, leave, recruiting, retention, engagement. It is most needed skill in HR professional of company. As there are many workers work in Sainsbury's so each and every activities should be taken care and accordingly work.


It is manner and action range developed by systems, individual, organisms or artificial entities with the physical or other environment. It is response to external, internal, involuntary, voluntary stimuli or inputs. The quality of behaviour required by HR professional are:

Right attitude- The HR professional should possess good attitude behaviour with their staff and manager. It shows manner with others. Sainsbury's also need HR with right attitude to influence people for working and achieving results.

Cooperative- In order to work in corporate field, HR professional need to be cooperative with their colleagues and managers. It helps in achieving set goal and objective effectively and efficiently. Sainsbury's need all helpful and cooperative HR so that they can help other and communicate properly.

Reliable- When HR is selecting candidate for job vacancy then must believe and reliable upon them for company. It is trust of HR manger for performing task by others. Here Sainsbury's also need reliable and trustworthy staff and managers (Erez and et. al., 2013).

P2 personal skills audit develop professional development plan

It is process of recording and measuring skills of individual. The main reason behind conducting such skill is to recognised existing knowledge and skills required by organisation and requirement in future. Every business requires such skills to know about each and every staff of the company for doing particular task and achieving result.

From above mentioned personal skill audit, IT is major strength of Jane Cambridge which will helps them in enhancing chances of solving any kind of technological issues within organization (Huczynski and et. al., 2013). It contribute in making them able to enhance their productivity.

As per analysis of personal skill audit, communication and personal solving skills are the major weaknesses of Jane Cambridge which bring negative impact on organisation goals and objectives. This decreases the productivity of the business.

In order to overcome the weaknesses of Jane Cambridge, Professional Development Plan has used which is described as below:


Resources required

Issues faced at the time of achieving objectives

Success criteria

Target dates


Communication skill

The resources can be coaching, public speaking, debate competition.

The confidence level gets low while in public which decline objectives.

This helps to communicate effectively with employees and enhancing skills of communication.

On going

Problem solving skill

The resources are group discussion, advice from experts.

The instant ideas and creativity for problem could not found instantly.

Solving out critical issues which creativity.

On going


P3 Differences between organisational and individual learning, training and development

Organisational learning

It is process of transferring, creating and retaining knowledge within company. The organisation improves through gained experience and which create knowledge. It leads in better organisation (Langkamp, Bolton and Lane, 2012). It helps in achieving strategic and tactical goals of firm. Through this communication and problem solving skill can be improved.

Individual learning

Individual learning or individualised is method of gaining or teaching from instructional technology and content based on interest and abilities of learner. The individual also focus on communication and problem solving through which strategic and tactical goals can be achieved.

Kolb's Learning ctycle theory

It was given by Kolb's in 1984 from experiences of life. It is divided into two parts, first is learning cycle and learning style.

Learning cycle

It has four stages which is described below:

Experience- When individual learn from past experiences. There are many opportunities for learner to learn new things which can be positive and negative. Sainsbury's staff learn from each other and also from their past incidents which helps them to improve a lot.

Reflect- It means thinking about done in past and experienced gained from there. In this some are good and remaining train themselves about viewing experiences and recording. Sainsbury's need such people to correct their mistake through helps of past incidents. It improves their quality and skill of worker (Mahembe and Engelbrecht, 2014).

Conceptualise- After passing from thinking the next level is conceptualisation. It means to know about meaning of experiences. It also provide new ideas and modification. Sainsbury's also provide new and creative ideas to organisation for achievement of goals.

Active- Here the learned ideas and experience is applied in practical approach. It helps in challenging and supporting new experiences. Sainsbury's need to apply or active ideas at organisation for achieving goals and objectives.

Learning style

It is also divided into four styles which are described below:

Diverging- The people of this style possess different perspective for looking things. They are emotional, imagination capacity, taking feedback and interest at different person and culture and prefer watching rather than doing. Such individual requires in Sainsbury's for viewing market and work accordingly.

Assimilating- They have transparent information, exploring analytic models and focused in concept rather than people (Nancarrow and et. al., 2013). Sainsbury's provide opportunity for learner and solving those through different models.

Converging- They are problem solver and apply learning for practical issues. They prefer technical work, experimenting new ideas and unemotional. There are many issues arise in Sainsbury's which are solved through converging style.

Accommodating- When people do things practically is called accommodating. They attract on new challenges and solve out issue. Sainsbury's need this style for solving many things practically and work accordingly (Pakdil and Leonard, 2014).

Formal learning

It is also called learning management system (LMS) in structured way of curricula or courses mapped. It is created through specific group of trainers and designers. Here, learning and content materials shared through traditional class room, scheduled testing, complete with lectures and reading. Screen sharing technology and live webinars are used for remote learners. It helps in developing individual and team for achieving effective results at Sainsbury's.

Informal learning

It is the learning which is consumed and created. It is easiest and quick way of delivering knowledge and skill to others. It can be shared and distributed through social media such as twitter, Facebook. It provides information anywhere and anytime to learners (Poksinska, Swartling and Drotz, 2013). This also helps individual and team of organisation for improving themselves and achieving results.

Training and Development





It is learning process through which employees get chance to enhance knowledge, skill, competency at job requirement.

It is educational process that is concerned with growth and developing of employees.


It focuses on present aspect.

It focus on future aspect.


Its objectives is improving work performance of staff and workers.

Its objective is preparing employees for taking future challenges and opportunities.


It aim is to be role created and specific job.

It aim is based on general and conceptual knowledge.

Barriers for learning and overcome

The barrier of learning are:

Social and cultural barriers- Family background and peer pressure

Practical and personal barriers- Childcare, transport, disability, finance, age, lack of information, caring responsibilities, language, cost.

Emotional barriers- Negative personal experience or learning, abuse, unemployment, lack of confidence, learning disabilities (Raes and et. al., 2015).

Workplace barriers- isolation, unsupportive managers, access, shift work and time off.

This can be overcome by providing effective learning and preventing breakdown. Sainsbury's also promote learning for their staff and worker. Each and every areas should be understood and analysed and give solution to cause. In this way, barriers can be solve by firm for effective and efficient running of business.

P4 Need for continuous learning and professional development to drive sustainable business performance

Continuous learning

It is the learning for individual. It means expanding ability through learning on regular basis by upgrading skills and increasing knowledge. The strong skill is required for adapting work change and life demands for getting successful. It is on going process for individual.

Professional Development

It is way of learning to earn and maintain professional qualifications such as academics, seminars, informal learning opportunities, conferences in practice. It is collaborative and intensive evaluative stage. The organisation should conduct professional development classes for individual and enhance their personality.

The need for continuous learning and professional development for driving business performance as per context of Sainsbury's are:

Boosts earning potential- The education upgrades new opportunity for individuals to boost earning potential with updated skills and learning at workplace. So Sainsbury's provide benefits to staff for improving and enhancing their knowledge and development.

Enhances health-

Creates opportunities- It provides opportunities in personal life of individual with more skills and knowledge. The upskilling on regular basis create more job opportunities which increase promotion and employability. Thus, Sainsbury's conduct programs on regular basis for staff with learning and development (Seers and et. al., 2012).

Increases collaboration- Continuous learning and professional development encourages collaboration among employees for doing work and task. It creates positive attitude at workplace and increase productivity and profitability (Strode and et. al., 2012). In context of Sainsbury's it achieve goal and objective with full dedication and hard work.


P5 HPW contributes to employee engagement and competitive advantage

High Performance Working (HPW)

It is creating culture where trust, transparency and channel for communication is found. This creates employees motivated, shared, happy, engaged and understanding vision for organisation. It is processes, policies and practices which is kept at one place and integrated together for improving employees performance. It has three board areas which are: high employee involvement, reward and commitment practices and human resource practices.

Employee engagement

It is fundamental concept which describe and understand quantitatively as well as qualitatively relationship between employees and organisation. It is called employee satisfaction and employee experience. It is the commitment of employees for organisational goals and objectives.

Competitive advantage

It is the situation which makes company in a good position. It is attributes of an organisation to compete with competitors. The company should maintain competitive advantage in market for profitability and sustainability. For this firm need to produce very innovative and creative products (Succar, Sher and Williams, 2013).

The benefits of high performance work with employee engagement and competitive advantage are:

For Employee Engagement

Employees should take responsibility for improvement of products, processes and services. They should have creative and innovative thinking. It helps in creating positive mentality for employees and higher engagement activities. Sainsbury's should use this technique in order to achieve its culture, vision and mission among employees. Employee engagement motivates subordinates to work for betterment of company. The main goal of any business is to earn maximum profit and maintain sustainability. HPW is tool made for worker to improve their skills, capabilities, enhance knowledge and maintain standard. Thus, it is for the betterment of workers as well as firm.

For Competitive Advantage

The aim of every business is to be different from competitors and products and services should be unique. Every firm work to gain maximum competitive advantages from other. The employees should be given training and improving their knowledge and skill as per the work given. These all helps in achieving result, goal and objectives. The main motto of any business is to satisfy their consumers. Sainsbury's also use this concept for result oriented and survival in market. Thus, HPW is very important for firm to gain maximum benefits for both staff and businessman (Tabassi and et. al., 2012).


P6 Different approaches to performance management which support high-performance culture and commitment

Performance Management

Performance Management is described as a process by which managers and employees coordinate with each other to control, check and observe the contribution of the employee within the workplace. It is a continuous process of setting targets, assessing progression and giving feedbacks to the employees to make sure that they achieve individual as well as organizational goal effectively and efficiently. The different approaches of performance management which support high performance culture and commitment are:

Comparative Approach- It means ranking of employees performance with others. Ranking is done on basis of highest and lowest performer. There are various techniques such as graphic rating scale, forced distribution and paired comparison. Sainsbury's compares everyone performance and find the best out it which helps in supporting high culture.

Attribute Approach- As per characteristics of employees performance measurement is done such as innovation, problem solving, communication skills. Here graphic and mixed rating is used to evaluating performance. Sainsbury's also required highly skilled staff for performing task and achieving high culture commitment (West and et. al., 2014).

Behavioural Approach- It is oldest techniques with vertical scales. The BARS and BOS are used for measurement. They are use on the basis of anchors and behaviour. Here company find suitable one and apply it in daily life. Sainbury's also need to know about behavioural of each staff and accordingly make plan for effective running of business.

Result Approach- The organisation rate employees through employees performance result. The balanced scorecard and Productivity Measurement and Evaluation System (ProMES) are two basic approach for measurement. It considers external factors and covert strategy into operations. Thus, Sainsbury's have to evaluate result and guide staff for achieving goal and objective along with commitment of culture.

Quality Approach- This approach helps in improving customer satisfaction by eliminating errors and mistakes. It consider system and person both factors. As it helps in solving problems, assessment of employee & system, using multiple evaluators and involving both factors. This help to improve quality of worker and motivate them to perform well (West and Lyubovnikova, 2013).

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From this report it can be concluded that HR professional requires skill, knowledge and behaviour for running of business. The personal skill audit should be identified and for improvement professional development plan is made. There are differences between organisation and individual learning along with training and development. The assignment has covered continuous professional development for sustainable development of business. The high performance working leads to achieve goal and objectives of business which increase employment engagement and competitive advantage. The performance management supports high culture commitment.


  • Anagnostopoulos, C., Byers, T. and Shilbury, D., 2014. Corporate social responsibility in professional team sport organisations: Towards a theory of decision-making. European Sport Management Quarterly. 14(3). pp.259-281.
  • Belbin, R. M., 2012. Team roles at work. Routledge.
  • Eime, R. M. and, 2013. A systematic review of the psychological and social benefits of participation in sport for children and adolescents: informing development of a conceptual model of health through sport. International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. 10(1). p.98.
  • Erez and et. al., 2013. Going global: Developing management students' cultural intelligence and global identity in culturally diverse virtual teams. Academy of Management Learning & Education. 12(3). pp.330-355.
  • Huczynski and et. al., 2013. Organizational behaviour(p. 82). London: Pearson.
  • Langkamp Bolton, D. and Lane, M.D., 2012. Individual entrepreneurial orientation: Development of a measurement instrument. Education+ Training.54(2/3). pp.219-233.
  • Mahembe, B. and Engelbrecht, A.S., 2014. The relationship between servant leadership, organisational citizenship behaviour and team effectiveness. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology. 40(1). pp.01-10.
  • Nancarrow and et. al., 2013. Ten principles of good interdisciplinary team work. Human resources for Health. 11(1). p.19.
  • Pakdil, F. and Leonard, K. M., 2014. Criteria for a lean organisation: development of a lean assessment tool. International Journal of Production Research. 52(15). pp.4587-4607.
  • Poksinska, B., Swartling, D. and Drotz, E., 2013. The daily work of Lean leaders–lessons from manufacturing and healthcare. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. 24(7-8). pp.886-898.

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